Kelsey Marie Coaching
The CougsFirst! Business Directory is a list of Coug-owned, -managed, and -affiliated businesses in our network.
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Kelsey Marie Coaching
Consulting Business
I help people take action on their dreams so they live a life with purpose. And I do that through my Business Coaching and Podcasts. I've worked with start ups all the way to 7 figure CEO's to streamline processes, align messaging, and ultimately refine their business to better serve their wants and needs. I also love helping leaders refine their personal brand to better position themselves infront of the right people. Connect with me via social media or book a Complimentary Coug Call, I would love to chat.
Video Media
Additional Info
- I won 2nd place in the Business Plan Competition at WSU
- I applied for and received funding for a start up through WSU
- I left the 9-5 to eventually open my own Hair Salon in Seattle
- After hitting 6 figures I started to help other salons be more profitable
- Once that new business grew, I closed my salon to focus on coaching
- I launched my first podcast When I Grow Up in March 2021
- And now I use my degree + experience to help entrepreneurs achieve their goals
- Oh... and I host The CougsFirst! Podcast
Membership Type
Gray Membership